Homeownership brings with it many responsibilities, one of which is maintaining electrical systems. For Melbourne homeowners, understanding the signs of electrical faults can be nerve-wracking, particularly for those living in older homes with outdated wiring systems. In this article, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide for identifying electrical faults and what electrical repairs you’ll need in Melbourne.
Electrical faults encompass a range of issues. An electrical fault refers to a disruption in the electrical circuit, which can occur for a number of reasons.
Electrical circuits consist of:
In reality, your home’s system is much more complicated than this, but this gives you a basic understanding of what components can cause and be affected by a fault. Equipment failure, faulty wiring, damaged insulation, environmental conditions and overloaded circuits are all common causes of electrical faults.
Think you’re dealing with an electrical fault? Call the trusted Campbellfield electricians at Day & Night Electrical for emergency electrician services, anytime.
Your ceiling lights typically don’t draw a lot of power, especially with LED downlights installed. So when your lights begin to flicker or dim, this is most often a sign that another appliance is drawing more power than the circuit can handle. If this continues, your circuit breaker will detect the overload and trip, cutting off power.
Sometimes, there is a strange smell in your home. Usually, this can be attributed to some forgotten leftovers in the fridge, but not always. If you notice a strong smell of burning or a “fishy” smell, this could be due to melting or burning electrical components. If this happens, shut off the power at the circuit box and call an electrician in Moorabbin to assess the issue.
When there are no electrical issues with your supply, there shouldn’t be any sounds. However, fraying wires, loose prongs or damaged outlets can cause the current to be uncontained and produce a buzzing noise. If you hear this, stop using the outlet or appliance and call in an electrician for an assessment and repairs.
If your circuit breakers are tripping often, this could suggest an overload in your electrical system. This typically happens when too many electrical appliances are drawing power from the same circuit, causing it to overload and trip. While this is a built-in safety mechanism to prevent overheating and electrical fires, consistent tripping might signal a serious problem that needs immediate attention.
Burnt outlets, too, are clear indicators of an electrical fault. They often result from high heat or sparks produced by loose connections or short circuits. In the same vein, if your outlets are hot to the touch, this is also a sign that something is wrong. Even if they’re powering a heat-producing device like a toaster or heater, the power points themselves should never feel hotter than ambient room temperature!
There are many reasons why your home may develop an electrical fault, but some are more common than others. Here are a few reasons that we encounter the most often:
Melbourne’s period homes are a popular choice for new homeowners, who fall in love with the art deco features and sturdy construction. However, if the wiring is old and has not undergone any repairs, it can cause significant issues.
As these homes were built at a time when electrical demands were far less than today, their wiring systems were not designed to withstand the power load of modern appliances. This can lead to overloaded circuits and breaker trips.
To add to the complexity, these homes can lack grounded outlets, which are vital to divert any unsafe electrical discharge safely into the earth. The absence of these outlets not only risks damage to appliances but also poses a threat of severe electric shocks.
Wiring standards and quality have improved over time, especially since the 1960s. Many of these period homes have cabling that uses Vulcanised Indian Rubber (VIR). The issue with VIR is that it becomes brittle over time, which can lead to cracking that exposes the wires inside. This can significantly increase the risk of electrical shock and fires caused by short-circuiting.
When you purchase an older home, it is essential to call a licensed electrician in Taylors Lake to assess the wiring and provide a rewiring service if necessary.
Beyond the immediate physical danger and illegal nature of DIY electrical work, it can also cause serious problems for future owners. An incorrectly installed outlet, for instance, may not only fail to function but could also cause damage to the appliance plugged into it. Similarly, disregarding the need for specific wire types or sizes in a DIY repair can lead to overloading and overheating, potentially leading to an electrical fire.
So, how can you identify signs of improper DIY repairs? Loose outlets are one telltale sign. An outlet should be securely fastened to the wall, and any movement can indicate a poor installation.
Visibly exposed electrical wiring is another red flag. Properly executed electrical work should conceal all wiring within walls or conduits for safety purposes.
Overfused circuits—where a fuse or circuit breaker is rated for a higher current than the circuit it protects—can be another dangerous result of previous DIY tinkering. If you notice fuses blowing or circuit breakers tripping frequently, it may be a sign of this issue.
With any concerning signs of previous unlicensed electrical work, it’s essential to contact a trustworthy and professional electrician in Yarraville to correct the issues.
Melbourne’s extreme climate, a cycle of scorching summers and freezing winters, can strain your home’s electrical system in more ways than you might expect.
During the cold winter months, portable space heaters become a regular fixture in Melbourne homes. These appliances, while great for your comfort, can be bad for your wiring. Specifically, they have the potential to overload circuits due to their high power demand. This can cause frequent tripping of circuit breakers, which is both frustrating and an indicator that your wiring is being put under strain.
During summer, air conditioners work overtime to keep your home cool. Similar to heaters, air conditioners consume a significant amount of electricity, potentially straining your electrical system.
So, how can you prevent these issues? The answer lies in preventive maintenance. Regular air conditioner servicing and split system heating servicing reduce strain on the devices, which has a knock-on effect of putting less strain on circuits. It’s recommended to have your system serviced at least twice a year, preferably before summer and winter.
Be mindful of the appliances you’re using simultaneously. Avoid using high-power electrical equipment, such as heaters and dryers, at the same time and on the same circuit to prevent overloads. If you’re still struggling with circuit breaker trips, a qualified electrician in Truganina can provide switchboard upgrades to separate your heating or cooling systems from other devices and reduce the load.
Also, consider investing in energy-efficient appliances that consume less power. They might cost more upfront, but they’ll save you money in the long run by reducing your electricity bills and preventing potential electrical faults.
When it comes to managing your home’s electrical system, attentiveness can make all the difference. Emergency electrical faults such as sparking outlets or smoking circuit breakers are not to be taken lightly. These faults provide homeowners with a clear indication that immediate action is required.
What should you do when you notice an electrical emergency? The first and most crucial step is to safely shut off the power. Locate your home’s main electrical panel, typically found in the garage, on exterior walls, or in the hallway. Shut off each individual circuit before hitting the main circuit breaker to cut power to the entire house.
Once the power is off, resist the temptation to fix the problem yourself. Remember, any DIY electrical work is both dangerous and illegal, with fines of up to $40,000 and the risk of lethal electric shocks. Instead, reach out to a licensed emergency electrician in Thomastown. Day & Night Electrical’s team of experienced professionals can handle these situations at any time, 24/7. They are equipped to diagnose the issue accurately and carry out necessary repairs or replacements safely.
As you can see, electrical safety is an important responsibility of every homeowner. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can reduce risks and ensure the safety of your home. Whether it’s a repeatedly tripping circuit breaker, hot power points or a buzzing noise inside your walls, any electrical fault should be dealt with as soon as possible. With Day & Night Electrical’s team of highly skilled and experienced electricians on call, you can expect a prompt and effective solution to any issues. For any wiring repairs or electrical services, contact us on 1300 138 332.
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